Eliška's mom went through hell. Let's help her pay the school fees

Praha / Organizer: Nadační fond pomoci zc.icomopfn@ofni

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Eliška's mom went through hell. Let's help her pay the school fees

Amount raised 143 259 Kč of 200 000 Kč goal
Left -157 days
72 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 18. August 2024

Help by sharing

My name is Lucka and I am the mom of a 3-year-old girl, Eliška, who is a very clever and active child.

I am a single-mother because of terrible domestic violence from my partner.

The ex-partner was given a one-year suspended sentence for his acts for 18 months for abuse of a relative and making dangerous threats.

The year after my escape from him was very difficult. I had to cope with post-traumatic stress syndrome and returned into normal life. But after a long time, I could again feel like a human being and I have known that I have to make it and be strong for my little daughter.

I went to see a psychologist and, in the evenings, as soon as the little one fell asleep, I worked.

Compared to other women, I was incredibly lucky to have a job that still allows me to work from home fully. And thanks to that, I was able to find a rental flat and run away from a toxic environment. My savings were used for a lawyer and household furnishings; except for a few things, everything was left in my previous home while I was running away from my partner.

I work as an accountant. As I mentioned, they still allow me to work from home, which is extremely challenging for me as a single parent, but I know I have to work to support us. Sometimes I am very exhausted, but at the same time I am extremely grateful that I can fully devote to my daughter during the day. 

As my daughter has now reached kindergarten age, I am now looking for a kindergarten. „Paleček Kindergarten“ was because of its individual and respectful approach that is soon very obvious on kids. Because I know how gifted Eliška is and how Montessori playing/learning she loves, I truly wish Eliška had the opportunity to attend this kindergarten.

The entire amount will be used for tuition fees.

At the age of 3, Eliška exceptionally speaks well, and we even received a compliment from the doctor, how gifted Eliška is and how my care is obvious. 

In this way, I would very much like to ask for your help so that I can enroll my daughter into the kindergarten and develop her abilities. In turn, it will give me time to work during the day and help me get back into a healthier mode after everything my daughter and I have been through.

Thanks for any help and support.

Sbírka běží dál

29. 05. 2024

Podařilo se vybrat částku, která pokryje školkované na rok. Veškeré další dary budou využity na pokrytí školkovného do dalšího roku a případně na uhrazení zájmového kroužku pro Elišku, proto jsme zvedli cílovou částku na 200 000 CZK.

Patrons 1


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102 donations

500 Kč — Anonymous donor 5 months ago

252 Kč — Anonymous donor 6 months ago

2 112 Kč — Anonymous donor 6 months ago

1 000 Kč — Anonymous donor 6 months ago

“QR platby 15.-21.7.2024”
200 Kč — QR platby 6 months ago

“Držím vám palečky a gratuluji k dobrému rozhodnutí k životu bez násilí🙏🫶 Kdysi jsem byla ve stejné situaci.”
500 Kč — Jana Štěpánová 7 months ago

252 Kč — Anonymous donor 7 months ago

“Držím palce a pěsti štěstí 🍀”
200 Kč — Anonymous donor 7 months ago

100 Kč — Anonymous donor 7 months ago

100 Kč — Anonymous donor 7 months ago