Rehabilitation for Lucie

Liberec / Organizer: Lucie Boučková zc.manzes@avokcuoBL

0 %

Rehabilitation for Lucie

Amount raised 60 000 Kč of 60 000 Kč goal
Left -903 days
100 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 21. April 2022

Help by sharing

Dear Donors,

I would like to ask you politely for financial aid that would allow me to receive another intensive rehabilitation treatment in Adeli Medical Center in Piešťany, Slovakia.

As a companion of my friend who was seriously injured in a car accident and unfortunately become a wheelchair user, I had an opportunity to see the quality of treatment provided in Adeli and the professionality of their staff which I highly appreciate as I have also a disability.

I would like to ensure all of you, I am very aware of how difficult times we all are going through right now. I had to overcome several unpleasant moments during last year. (Death in my family, long-term unemployment…) But still, I strongly believe better times are to come soon. One of the best ways to start an upcoming year I can imagine is to get treated in Adeli. I am sure it will make me ready for new challenges of the year 2022 😊

I understand the treatment of great quality comes at a cost. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough financial means to cover the Adeli program on my own. That’s why I would like to ask you kindly for your help.

Any contribution to this charity will help me improve my health condition or sustain it on a level that enables me to live a fully independent life.

Any donation would be highly appreciated.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Why Adeli?

Every time after Adeli’s rehabilitation treatment, I can feel the spasticity of my whole body and pain going down. This means for me I can walk on the stairs or in the terrain with much more confidence and be more independent in day-to-day life.

Moreover, Adeli compared to the casual spa treatment, has a much more long-term effect. From my experience, it seems it works best for me if I spent 2 weeks in the center twice a year.

About me

I have cerebral palsy due to early birth. In my early childhood, I had to undergo two surgeries the third one was to come later. I always dreamed to become a nurse but unfortunately, my doctor refused to approve my school application due to my disability. It wasn’t easy for me to come over that, but after some time I decided to become a social worker.

After my school-leaving exam, I took a college study program on social work in Prague. During my time in college, I have started taking care of my friend after the car accident. As she was in a vigil coma at that time, the doctors didn’t give her so many chances to live a fulfilled life, but the breakthrough and the significant improvement came in the Adeli Center. Nowadays she managed to live independently using a power wheelchair and I am more than happy to remain around her and try my best to raise funds for her further treatment. This experience made me sure that the Adeli Medical center is the best place for me.

This story made me see a lot of issues in the current Czech healthcare and social system. To be able to participate in the improvement of those two systems for the good of patients, I decided to go for MA in social work.

Je to tam! 100% - DĚKUJU

21. 04. 2022

Je to tam! 100% 🙏❤️🙏

Aneb, když máte krásné čtvrteční ráno! ❤️💛

Říkám to pořád, jste neskuteční. Děkuji za tu možnost, děkuji za obrovskou dávku podpory a dekuji Znesnáze21 za to, že jsou! 🙏💛

A již za zanedlouho cesta do ADELI… Díky Vám!! 🙏🍀

Aktuálně vybráno 91%

20. 04. 2022

Děkuji Vám všem, jsme naprosto úžasní. Jsem dojatá Vaší obrovskou podporou. Sbírka za chvilku končí, ale do cíle už je jen kousek. Jsem opravdu vděčná a s radostí Vám tady pak vložím nějakou fotku nebo video z Adeli, protože bez Vás by nebylo prostě nic! I když, jak s oblibou říkám "Jsou věci, které nepředáte, můžete je jen zažít" :-)


04. 04. 2022

Děkuji, děkuji všem, za jakýkoliv příspěvek... Do konce sbírky ještě zbývá pár dní, ale já už teď vím, že ADELI bude!

ADELI - termín už za pár týdnů 25.04.2022-07.05.2022...

Děkuji Vám všem, kamarádům, podporovatelům, ale i pravidelným firemním dárcům... Mnozí z Vás si jistě kladou otázku, proč opět Adeli, vždyť si tam byla nedávno? Rehabilitace je třeba opakovat, pomáhá mi to udržet mou soběstačnost s nejdelším efektem.... (A ano, za svůj život už jsem toho vyzkoušela mnoho...)

Přiznávám, že poslední dobou "flákám" fitko i rehabilitace, ale prostě nestíhám. O to víc, ale potřebuju dát své tělo "dohromady" 💛 Mám před sebou spoustu projektů, osobních a snad i pracovních... Jsem neustále na cestách, Praha, Liberec, zanedlouho i Brno... Tam a zpět.. To, že to všechno zvládám, je i díky efektu z Adeli a jsem za to šťastná! Mám před sebou velké cíle, ale s dlouhými plány...🍀 Děkuji, že právě díky Vám je toto možné, protože já již teď vím, že si budu moci plnit své největší sny!❤️

55 donations

“Přeji úspěšnou rehabilitaci a mnoho zdaru.”
5 528 Kč — Jaroslav Pernica 2 years ago

“Uzij si to :)”
373 Kč — Jana R 2 years ago

200 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 years ago

“Lucko, fandíme Ti, a přejeme, ať Ti to cvičení pomůže:-)”
10 000 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 years ago

500 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 years ago

1 071 Kč — Milan Janeček 2 years ago

“Přeji hodně sil a doufám, že se podaří vybrat zbývající částka na rehabilitační pobyt.”
300 Kč — Petra Tichá 2 years ago

373 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 years ago

300 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 years ago

840 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 years ago