Nature classroom

Jaroměř / Organizer: Základní škola Křišťál zc.latsirksz@akcilap

0 %

Nature classroom

Amount raised 187 689 Kč of 250 000 Kč goal
Left -390 days
75 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 31. December 2023

Help by sharing

Křišťál Elementary School was established in 2016 to expand the offer of education in the Jaroměř region and its surroundings. One of the impulses for its establishment was the initiative of parents who were looking for a smaller family school for their children with an innovative educational concept and a community approach.

The concept of the school

School uses an established foreign model, the so-called Jenský plan, which emphasizes not only the principle of individualisation but above all the school community. We strive to create stimulating learning environments and one of our priorities is the area of ​​environmental issues, which we try our best to support. Recently, the school has managed to obtain a school garden for a long-term lease, which by its nature directly encourages the implementation of science, eco-thematic and other educational activities. Unfortunately, we lack adequate facilities in the garden and teaching is not ideal due to the weather and other - such as hygienic conditions.

How will this collection help

We would therefore like to build a covered multifunctional educational space here, which would enable the implementation of not only science but also other educational activities (locally grounded and activity-based learning, research-oriented teaching, school festivities, children's business development or craft activities). Together with providing a source of drinking water and electricity, we would thus create a sufficiently prepared background and expand the school's space options, which are not ideal in the current leased premises.

The space would also find further use in the field of non-formal education in the form of use by a school group, school club or hobby groups. In his free time, the space would be used to implement community or other cultural and educational activities.

We will be very happy for any contributions so we can convert this plan into reality.

51 donations

333 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 year ago

10 000 Kč — BEAS 1 year ago

2 000 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 year ago

252 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 year ago

“Mijunko a Pavle držíme palce. ”
777 Kč — Jiří ze Šumavy 1 year ago

3 210 Kč — Katka a spol. 2 years ago

3 333 Kč — KH 2 years ago

“Drzim palce,zdravim Sandokana :)”
500 Kč — Pavlos 2 years ago

252 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 years ago

3 000 Kč — B. Michálek 2 years ago