Modern school - professional training in the classroom

Šumperk / Organizer: Nadační fond SŠŽTS Šumperk zc.krepmusaloks@hsotnicm

0 %

Modern school - professional training in the classroom

Amount raised 1 684 Kč of 700 000 Kč goal
Left -858 days
0 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 05. May 2022

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We are the largest high school of its kind in the region, we have 750 pupils, who we try to train and educate in order to prepare them for life in the 21st century. To be equipped with knowledge and skills not only for today but mainly for their future, they need to touch and experience modern technology.

Field of engineering - CNC operation is one of the prestigious fields of study in our school, students have excellent graduation results. When teaching this profession, we try to respect the suggestions of employers, boys have an increased number of professional training lessons, we teach applied computer technology, technical English in tandem with a native speaker, conversation in English with a native speaker, and so on. The mastery of operating CNC machines and modern technologies is an essential prerequisite for building a career in automated and robotized plants.

We are aware that it is common in schools of our type for students to draw, program and immediately manufacture a given product at learning centres during a theoretical class. We are also aware of the fact that we must go down the same path as we don't want our graduates to be handicapped in the labour market.

For the needs of engineers as well as metalworkers, we have chosen a CNC milling training centre, which has interchangeable control systems and meets all other requirements for the standard of professional education. The cost of the centre comes to 1 million Czech crowns.

As a school, we can pay for software, a computer and all the other necessary equipment from our own funds. However, we don't have the financial means to purchase the CNC machine itself, which costs CZK 700,000. There are currently no suitable subsidy programs.

We believe that we can find partners - donors who, like us, the teachers of our school, know that our future lies in the quality education of our children. We are looking for sponsors for whom it is essential to instil in our student's values important for the further development of humanity in the 21st century. We are looking for sponsors who would share our vision - let's give children knowledge and skills for the future, let's educate children to diligence and humility.

Last year we focused on a fund-raising campaign to purchase a cooperative robot. Thanks to the sponsors we managed to raise more than CZK 600,000 and the training facility has been already serving the needs of young locksmiths, machine and equipment mechanics, and plumbers.

If you are interested in our project, we will be very grateful for the contribution in any amount that would allow us to successfully complete the collection worth CZK 700,000 this year.

1 donations

1 684 Kč — Anonymous donor 3 years ago