Let's help return the sacred land of Setkwa to the indigenous people

celá ČR, Chrudim / Organizer: Nikola Holeková zc.manzes@52en

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Let's help return the sacred land of Setkwa to the indigenous people

Amount raised 44 225 Kč of 280 000 Kč goal
Left 43 days
16 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 30. June 2024

Help by sharing

Allow me to introduce you to a project that not only aims to preserve a pristine piece of nature but also to restore it to the care of those who truly appreciate and understand its value. Every contribution, regardless of its size, takes us a step closer to safeguarding this sacred place—SETKWA—and supports the WIWA indigenous tribe on their journey towards a self-sustaining and harmonious life.

The project, named 'Redeeming the Setkwa Sacred Site,' aims to preserve 44 acres of land in the Sierra Nevada for the WIWA Tribe.

The Kogi, Wiwa, and Arhuaco tribes of the Sierra Nevada mountains in Colombia serve as guardians of the land, living in harmony with nature and the ecosystem.

 They regard their territory as the heart and center of the world's indigenous knowledge, with their wisdom passed down through generations.

During the 'conquest' of the Americas and the era of the conquistadors, they successfully maintained their identity. Today, they have chosen to open up to the world, reminding us of the crucial importance of nature."

Feel free to let me know if you have any specific preferences or if you'd like further adjustments!

"Currently, they have already acquired 8.5 hectares of this land through the funds raised by the healer, Mamo Kunshemaku, during his healing work in the Czech Republic. Committed to nature and acting as its protector, Mamo Kunshemaku is dedicated to returning this land to his tribe and ancestors.

"We are guardians of the land, living in accordance with the teachings of Mother Earth herself. Our home is the Sierra Nevada Santa Marta in Colombia, known to us as Gonawindua. Unfortunately, we have lost significant areas to devastation caused by overgrazing, unsustainable agriculture, and mining.

The younger brothers and sisters, referring to Western civilization, have imposed their own laws, claiming ownership of the land. They offer to return it to us if we pay for it. In response, we have chosen to reclaim it, piece by piece. Starting with a few hectares, we aim to gradually connect the land to the shores of the sea, restoring and nourishing this sacred land, the heart of the world."

How will the collection help?

Acquiring the entire plot of land requires a substantial amount of money. By the end of this year, half of the required amount, totaling CZK 420,000, must be paid. Currently, we have only covered 140,000 CZK, leaving us with 280,000 CZK to pay by the end of 2023 and an additional 420,000 CZK throughout 2024."

Feel free to let me know if you have any further preferences or if there's anything else you'd like to adjust!

"We are the guardians of the earth, living in accordance with the teachings of Mother Earth herself. Our home is the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia, known to us as Gonawindua. Unfortunately, we have lost significant areas to devastation caused by overgrazing, unsustainable agriculture, and mining. The younger brothers, Western civilization, have imposed their own laws, claiming that the land now belongs to them. They will only return it to us if we pay for it. Therefore, we have decided to buy it back piece by piece. Starting with a few hectares, we aim to gradually connect the purchased land to the shores of the sea, restoring and nurturing it. This is sacred land, the heart of the world.

The entire land is worth a substantial sum, and half of that amount, totaling CZK 420,000, must be paid by the end of this year. Currently, we have only covered 140,000 CZK, leaving us with 280,000 CZK to pay by the end of 2023 and an additional 420,000 CZK during 2024.

When you support the project 'Acquisition of the Sacred Setkwa Territory,' you contribute to the conservation of global biodiversity and empower indigenous tribes who can remind us of the wisdom of Mother Earth.

If we are unable to raise the necessary funds to purchase the entire portion of this area, the indigenous WIWA will find themselves in a situation where they will be forced to abandon the portion they inhabit, leading to serious consequences for the community. The loss of self-sufficiency will compel the indigenous people to integrate into civilian life, resulting in a gradual loss of identity, language, shared values, and cultural heritage.

For this, I thank you.

Nikola Holeková

Payment information for non-EU donors:

Account number: 2302302388

Bank code 5500




Aktuálně o situaci

12. 01. 2024

Ahoj, dobrý den,

v první řadě bych ráda poděkovala Všem, kteří na sbírku přispěli, nesmírně si vážím Vaší podpory. Chtěla bych Vás informovat o pozitivním vývoji, kterého nebylo lehké dosáhnout.

Pozemek, na který sbíráme prostředky, je relativně drahý. Smlouva mezi Mamem Kunschemaku a vlastníkem půdy byla původně nešťastně napsaná, což odrazovalo nejednoho z Vás. Děkuji za zpětnou vazbu. A tak jsem se v této záležitosti rozhodla jednat.

Podařilo se nám přimět majitele půdy, aby smlouvu změnil. Napomohly k tomu jednak dobré vztahy mezi Mamem a majitelem půdy, ale také především přislíbené peníze ze sbírky. Když bude splacena polovina půdy tzn. částka, která figuruje jako cílová ve sbírce, Mamo se stane jejím majitelem. Nebude už tak hrozit jejich vyhoštění.

Domluvili jsme se na splátce 2 milióny pesos (což je cca 12 000 kč) měsíčně do konce srpna 2024, s tím, že na konci téhož měsíce bude zaplacen zbytek peněz. To je také důvod, proč jsme sbírku prodloužili.

Děkuji Vám z celého srdce za jakoukoli částku, kterou jste ochotni darovat, stejně tak za sdílení těm, se kterými by tento typ dobročinnosti mohl rezonovat.


33 donations

5 000 Kč — Štětina Radek 3 weeks ago

“Jeden domov 🌎💚”
2 112 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 month ago

1 221 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 months ago

300 Kč — znesnáze21 2 months ago

333 Kč — Terka 3 months ago

100 Kč — Irena Klempířová 3 months ago

1 000 Kč — Dubský 4 months ago

“ Mamo, přeji ti a celé tvé rodině zdraví a hodně dárců pro projekt. Děkuji ti, že léčíš Matičku Zemi...”
4 000 Kč — Jaroslava Evjáková 4 months ago

333 Kč — CP 4 months ago

1 190 Kč — Šóšová Lucia 4 months ago