Let's help Gabi, who suffers from a severe stage of chronic Lyme disease

Let's help Gabi, who suffers from a severe stage of chronic Lyme disease
Amount raised 310 111 Kč of 200 000 Kč goal
Left 28 days
155 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 05. March 2025
I will tell you about my daughter. Her name is Gabriela and she is a beautiful, gentle, soulful woman, but for me she is still my "little girl", my "little baby". She had once been full of joy, her laughter sounding like chimes. As a child, she was introverted, often playing alone with her toys. I call her a "little genius" - she is really small in stature. As she grew and floated down the river of life, she was interested in things and the world around her, and whatever she touched, she succeeded. From the first grade until adulthood, she played the cello, liked to draw, and enjoyed mathematics. She was a top student at grammar school, studied at the University of Economics with excellent results, completed her bachelor's degree and started studying law at Charles University in Prague. In high school, she started singing, in college she sang with a very good band, concertgoers were enchanted and many people prophesied a stellar career for her. And then came a life change - a few years ago, my daughter developed a number of health problems and diseases. The effects were terrible. Gradually, she had to give up singing, and she interrupted her law studies at Charles University after her third year.
Chronic Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, and the disease took its toll on her mental state.
For several years, doctors have been "tossing" her around like a hot potato, as is sometimes the case with protracted and difficult-to-treat diseases, unfortunately. Gradually, she was treated with extremely strong doses of antibiotics at a well-known doctor in Prague, later with herbs, mushrooms, bee venom and other alternative methods, unfortunately without success. She has been suffering from this for many years, and her quality of life has declined rapidly. At that time, she was also awarded a disability pension. From a previously amazing ambitious girl and woman, she became a sick, eternally suffering person, thinking more and more often of death as a liberation. The treatment so far has already cost hundreds of thousands, without visible success. In order to continue to support her, my wife and I had to take out a loan, which we are repaying. We are both already retired, we don't have financial reserves.
And because our daughter is currently offered, among other things, treatment options with intravenous regenerative laser therapy together with intensive infusion therapy - which could finally have a positive effect - very expensive examinations and medical procedures, we have decided to turn to you with a request to organize a collection that could help our daughter save her health, and life.
It was 2014 and I thought that all the bad was finally behind me. I was 20 years old.
I finally had time to do everything I enjoyed – playing the cello, guitar, dancing, drawing portraits and, above all, singing. I also started writing my very first book. My period full of responsibilities and illnesses that had been returning since I was 16 years old, was over.
So for many years I more or less suffered and spent them in hospitals without finding the cause of why all this was happening to me.
That year, everything changed and I hoped that I had finally found my happiness. I started my first university and with my partner, with whom we had been together for two years, we planned to live together.
I had a lot of plans. I wanted to continue drawing and start drawing portraits bespoke, learn how to create artistic makeup, publish a book, release another album with a band where I performed as a singer, and last but not least, get married during my studies and start a family with my partner after graduation. I didn't know how to combine it all in the aftermath, but I was determined to find my way. I really wanted to be a young mother.
I had no idea that just a year later, my whole world would start to collapse.
In 2015, I was diagnosed with a specific type of acid reflux – "alkaline reflux" for which there is no cure, and I was told that I would suffer from it for the rest of my life. I was constantly in great pain (burning and aching in my chest, esophagus and abdomen), I couldn't even concentrate during the exams. This news shook me.
I began to have anxiety and feelings of hopelessness, which partly overlapped with problems in the relationship. By the end of the year, I had to take antidepressants, which worsened my physical condition many times over due to severe side effects.
Above all, however, my fatigue syndrome, which had become my major problem at that time, returned. I was not able to do anything at all, although I tried very hard to overcome myself.
Since then, health problems have only increased. I started to have very strange seizures, which again no one knew how to deal with, I also used to be very physically sick, dizzy and nauseas. I tried to ignore it – because all the doctors advised me to do so.
All my symptoms were blamed on an anxiety disorder. It was strange to me the whole time, because I knew people with even more severe anxiety, and none of them had even a third of the physically limiting symptoms that I did. However, I didn't know what else I could do.
In 2017, I finally experienced feelings of relief in the summer. It was as if the disease was leaving. I thought that perhaps I had really overcome it mentally and "controlled" the physical symptoms with my mind. I was a guest in a well-known Czech band, as well as playing concerts with my band. I successfully completed my exams at both universities (in 2015 I also started to study law at Charles University in Prague, where I commuted), including the state exams at the Faculty of Economics. My partner and I started planning for the future again in a hope of things getting better.
In September of the same year, my condition suddenly deteriorated fatally again. Only physically. For a whole month I thought I was dying, hopelessly laying my head on the table in complete exhaustion, lethargic with constant feelings of vomiting and that "my body is just extremely fighting something", while my mom and my partner watched me, not understanding what was happening again. I was so terribly sick.
I decided to change my general practitioner, whom I asked for all the tests that could be done. She told me that I was just hypersensitive and refused to do even basic tests for Lyme disease.
I objected that I had been mentally well all summer and that nothing had changed (the weather was beautiful, the well-known Czech band was counting on me on tour...). However, this did not change her attitude.
And so I suffered for the next following years. The condition was no longer as intense as in September of that year, but steadily terrible. At the beginning of 2018, I started to have almost daily migraines, which made me bedridden for a year and a half.
I studied in bed as well, but at the end of the exam period, I realized with great pain in my heart that it was no longer possible to study like this. Before the exams, I could barely stand the wait and was collapsing on the bench from feeling so sick (I note that not even partially because of any nervousness), several times I almost left.
Leaving my studies was a great defeat for me, which I mourned very much.
My effort to ignore the symptoms (as doctors kept telling me), when my body was literally screaming for help, led me to the stage where in 2020 I started to feel so much pain in my legs that I stopped walking. The turning point came when, purely by chance, I came across people with similar symptoms on the Internet and visited a specialist in chronic Lyme disease and co-infections.
The pain spread to my hands and got worse to the point where I tried drugs like marijuana or ketamine just to find some relief, they woke me up from sleep, I could do almost nothing and I lived alone. I was helped by my father and (then former) partner, who used to visit me.
I couldn't take care of the household on my own, and gradually I couldn't take care of myself anymore...
When I moved for even a while and prepared food, for example, I couldn't move for a long time afterwards due to the huge pain and exhaustion.
In 2021, I stopped writing because I could no longer move my hands and fingers, and I had to use a text converter almost exclusively.
When I tried to take antibiotics, I had such crazy reactions that I had to crawl up the stairs leading to the bedroom.
Every day I cried in pain and hopelessness and asked God to deliver me from that hell.
My illness was mentally extremely demanding for my family and partner, so it greatly disrupted our relationships.
People around me also didn't believe in my illness for a long time, which made the hell I was going through even worse.
I couldn't take care of myself anymore. When I felt just a little better for a while, I immediately took advantage of it and went to cook a few batches, for example, which I then stored in the freezer again for days when I couldn't do anything again. Sometimes I screamed in my sleep.
I often felt like I was no longer breathing – the breathing itself was incredibly exhausting.
I spent my days chained to the bed with a computer on my stomach, and often I couldn't even keep my eyes open to watch a movie.
I wasn't even able to do such simple activities as folding the laundry.
In 2022, I wrote a farewell letter.
For family, friends, ex-partner, everyone who has ever been close to me in my life.
I began to procure poison, for it was the only way for me to put an end to the horror.
I spent years locked in my room. I went for a walk maybe four times a year, and I didn't enjoy it at all because of all the symptoms.
Towards the end of the year, I began to have such severe states where my body and brain were "burning", so to speak, that I couldn't concentrate on anything for more than two minutes. It was enough to read even two sentences, even just a message from a friend, and I immediately had my brain on fire. The condition was absolutely impossible to calm down, manage, and lasted until the evening, when I just tried to survive the rest of the day in the horror.
The next day it continued again.
I spent several months in this new level of torture, until the medication finally helped with this symptom.
I had to leave my parents' house in an absolutely terrible state, because I was only getting worse in the house. Although it was clean and very nice, we found out that there was mold in it.
My condition was already so bad that I was not able to go to the toilet on my own and I peed in the bucket next to the bed. I could barely manage to eat on my own.
I stayed with acquaintances, often in dirty or very stressful conditions, almost without help and without a real home. Often with people I didn't really know.
I felt lonely, vulnerable, and scared.
In desperation, I tried very alternative methods of treatment, for example, I stung living bees in my back for a year and a half or burned places in my skin through which I brought venom from the kambo frog into the circulatory system, after which a person undergoes a very hard cleansing, so to speak (just to give you an idea – most people go through it once or twice in their lives with a long distance between the sessions, in my case I did it every other day for a long time...).
Currently, my worst symptoms are pain, extreme fatigue, migraines and very poor eyesight.
I love life, so I don't want to give up. People often ask me if I miss performing on stage. The answer might shock some. No, I do not. I miss the very basics. I miss getting out of bed like a normal person and not feeling like I'm dying. I miss going for a walk and feeling the fresh breeze ruffling my hair. I miss having coffee with friends. I miss reading a book, because whenever I have that little energy, I have to devote it to treatment and finding out information. And anyway, my head would fall and I wouldn't be able to see the letters. I miss the feeling that everything is or will be okay because I can take care of myself. If a person does not have their basic needs met, they can hardly think about fulfilling those at a much higher level.
I no longer long for my own family.
All I want is to be able to live my life. Just like almost everyone else.
I'm afraid it won't work out. I'm afraid to die.
Just keeping me in a state where I can at least communicate costs an incredible amount of resources and strength.
But I still have hope and believe that it is possible to get out of this hell.
I wish I could finish the book I started writing about all this that happened to me. Unfortunately, I don't have the physical strength to do it yet. But I think it can be important.
The money that would be raised will be used collectively for a comprehensive approach to treatment, including treatment at the Cellthera clinic in Brno, specifically regular infusion therapy.
Furthermore, the purchase of a device producing infrared light, which is an important tool to support treatment, a water filter, an air purifier, treatment with a functional American doctor Jaban Moore (especially Cellcore products, consultations and other supplements), tests for mold in the air, a course containing exercises that help calm the brain and get the body out of the so-called fight or flight mode, and last but not least, dietary supplements, which Gabriela has to take a large amount of (she has a large iron and B12 deficiency, she also has to take large doses of vitamin C, HCL, enzymes, and more).
If more funds could be raised, they would be used for further treatment progress – other tests that will need to be done (e.g. HTMA test), other protocols as part of functional medicine treatment, or consultations with other specialists.
15. 01. 2025Drazí přátelé i známí.
Jsem velice dojatá zjištěním, že je v lidech stále dobro. A možná ho není zase tak málo.
V mých myšlenkách jste teď Vy, kteří jste ke mně poslali naději.
Tato cesta, kterou jsem si nezvolila dobrovolně, je nejen neuvěřitelně bolestivá, vyčerpávající a plná ztrát, z nichž pro některé člověk ponese v srdci smutek po celý zbytek života, ale je taktéž nesmírně osamělá.
Chci Vám říci, že to že mi pomáháte, nepomůže pouze prakticky, což je samozřejmě to proč to děláme, ale má také silný psychický efekt. Díky Vám, kteří jste pomohli, mám pocit, že to má stále smysl.
Cítím Vaši podporu a lásku.
A také cítím zodpovědnost za to, abych ty kteří mi pomohli nezklamala - že musím pokračovat dále.
Každý dobrý skutek je světlem, které přinášíme do temných koutů.
Díky Vaší pomoci mám stále naději.
A já udělám vše pro to, abych změnila cestu svého osudu natolik, abych jednou byla schopna zase plně žít.
A nejen konečně dělat to, co jsem si vždy dělat přála a nemohla, ale také rozsévat dobro po celý zbytek mého života.
Pokud můžete, sdílejte prosím dál, léčba je podstatně dražší, než cílová částka - tak to je bohužel u této nemoci vždy.
Tato cesta bude ještě velmi dlouhá a krkolomná. A její úspěch bohužel také zdaleka nezáleží jen na mně.
Ale Vaše podpora už v mém srdci zůstane zapsaná.
Děkuji Vám
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288 donations
111 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 week ago
2 146 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 week ago
“Držte se, jste neskutečně silná osobnost. Přeji šťastnou cestu k uzdravení. ”
300 Kč — Michal 1 week ago
“QR platby 20.-26.1.2025”
3 963 Kč — QR platby 1 week ago
“Dobrý den,
držím Vám pěstě a myslím na Vás při cestě k uzdravení. Držte se a opatrujte. Je mnoho lidí, kteří Vás podporují a mají rádi. 🙋🏻♀️🍀❤️”
252 Kč — Nika 2 weeks ago
252 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 weeks ago
150 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 weeks ago
500 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 weeks ago
500 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 weeks ago
“To je nepředstavitelna hrůza, obdivuju Vas, co vše jste už vydržela a moc bych Vám přála, ať se už stane něco, co přinese nějaké zlepšení. Držím moc palce”
400 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 weeks ago