Help Ukrainian children to live on

Kyiv / Organizer: Children of Heroes gro.seorehnerdlihc@yirgab.atevazyle

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Help Ukrainian children to live on

Amount raised 48 € of 5 292 € goal
Left -8 days
1 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 31. August 2024

Help by sharing

This project aims to collect funds for psychological rehabilitation for Ukrainian children who have lost one or both parents due to the Russian invasion in Ukraine.

No child should ever know war. And all the more so to go through it without the support of parents. 

For more than a year, Ukrainian children have been in a state of total stress, fear and psychological pressure. Every day of the war leaves its mark on the psycho-emotional state of children. Each air alarm reminds children under our care of the loss of their loved ones.

Children's reactions may be different, but it is obvious that war will leave consequences on the lives of children whose psyches are still being formed. And that is why we have to help them recover and prevent future problems.

Currently, "Children of Heroes" Charity Fund is looking for support for the systematic functioning of the psychological assistance program for children. We're the biggest Foundation with a mission to help Ukrainian children who've lost one or both parents due to the Russian invasion. Right now, we're supporting over 6000 kids, and sadly, this number keeps growing.

While we cannot bring back their parents, we are committed to providing them with all the support they should have - psychological, humanitarian, medical, and educational.

1 individual psychological rehabilitation session for a child costs UAH 1,000. (25 EUR) Come and help us give these children the support they need so desperately in their difficult situation.

2 donations

12 € — Ondřej Auer 1 year ago

37 € — Jan Plocica 1 year ago