Help for the 68th Battalion of the 101st Territorial defense brigade
Help for the 68th Battalion of the 101st Territorial defense brigade
Amount raised 171 314 Kč of 100 000 Kč goal
Left -481 days
171 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 24. October 2023
We are raising money to help our brave friends from the 101st Territorial Defence Brigade, 68th Battalion, who are defending Ukraine. Our friends are not professional soldiers, like many other military members. They are ordinary people - IT specialists, managers, teachers, plumbers... They are people who have not studied the military, have no military training, and at the beginning of this year, they lived their ordinary lives.
Now they have been away from their families for several months. They have left their loved ones and are working in places where the Russian army is committing the most brutal crimes.
Fighting on the front lines is hard for our friends. They are also facing the cold and flooded trenches. Every day they have to deal with difficult conditions, both physically and mentally. And with the cold weather, everything is only getting worse.
Let's help provide basic needs.
We want to provide the things that a large army can't always take care of during an offensive and give our friends at least essential comfort. We want to get them the warm clothes they desperately need now, better quality and more nutritious food, and diesel generators for electricity. We are working with other friends and relatives to get the necessary funds. However, our financial capacities are not enough to cover all the needs for the unit for the coming winter.
The commander: "We also desperately need medicines and medical supplies to be able to treat wounded civilians as well as Russian soldiers who surrender. Last but not least, of course, for ourselves and our fellow soldiers. As the front advances, more and more medical supplies are needed."
What do we do with the money?
We aim to raise at least 100,000 CZK, which we will use to buy medical supplies. If the amount exceeds 200,000 CZK, the money will use for food, generators, and clothing. And if we raise more than 300,000 CZK, the unit will be able to buy a car that will increase its mobility, and they will be able to serve to help civilians in the liberation territories. One vehicle came under Russian artillery fire and was destroyed while on duty. The second and final vehicle is still beyond repair due to the harsh operating conditions. Our friends in the 101st Brigade need a vehicle that can serve in rugged terrain in the winter.
Thank you in advance to all the good people who care about those who fight for our freedom. Glory to Ukraine, and glory to the Czechs who help. 🇨🇿 ❤️ 🇺🇦
On behalf of the whole unit is Oleksandr Gryshin, the commander, saying thank you.
Accompanying links
Kluci už mají generátory
05. 12. 2022Moc děkujeme všem, kteří přispívají na naši sbírku, a kterým osud statečných vojáků bojujích za svobodu není lhostejný. Kromě jídla a teplého oblečení jsme z dosud vybraných prostředků pořídili generátory a telefony. Konkrétně:
BDE3500e elektrický dieselový generátor Neilsen – 1 ks.
Benzínový invertorový generátor - 2 ks.
IP telefony - 6 ks.
Naši kluci nyní operují na frontových liniích a jsou zodpovědní za poskytování komunikace vojenským jednotkám. Na frontě není elektřina ani klasické komunikační prostředky, proto se pro komunikaci mezi vojenskými jednotkami používají bezdrátové technologie a generátory. Naši přátelé jsou v zóně aktivního boje na samotné palebné linii a i díky vašim příspěvkům se jim daří udržet stabilní komunikaci a poskytovat svým kolegům spojení a informace.
Děkujeme. Společně rusko porazíme!
155 donations
252 Kč — Anonymní dárce 1 year ago
252 Kč — Anonymní dárce 1 year ago
262 Kč — Anonymní dárce 1 year ago
262 Kč — Anonymní dárce 1 year ago
252 Kč — Anonymní dárce 1 year ago
“For freedom, for live.”
252 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 year ago
262 Kč — Anonymní dárce 2 years ago
252 Kč — Anonymní dárce 2 years ago
“Crimea is Ukraine! ”
1 000 Kč — Pavlo 2 years ago
252 Kč — Anonymní dárce 2 years ago