Help for Aniela with Cerebral palsy

Svitavy, Rozstání / Organizer: Nadační fond pomoci zc.icomopfn@ofni

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Help for Aniela with Cerebral palsy

Amount raised 337 147 Kč of 390 000 Kč goal
Left -753 days
86 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 11. September 2022

Help by sharing

Aniela is Monika’s and Miroslav's precious two year old girl who fights with her serious illness caused by her very sad coming into the world. The parents were originally expecting twins – two little girls – but one of them died as her heart stopped beating at the end of Monika’s pregnancy. The surviving girl – Aniela – didn’t have oxygen at that time what caused fatal brain damage. She has the most severe form of cerebral palsy – spastic kvadruparesis and cortical visual impairment.

They tried different extensive experiments with various types of rehabilitation.

Life Changing method

Monika and Miroslav stayed strong and did not give up on her sweet daughter. After a long and heartbreaking journey they discovered an evolved version of the Feldenkrais Method (NeuroMovement®) which creates literally miracles in their daughter. However, therapy is very expensive. They also traveled abroad for lessons.

Monika and Miroslav already spent all their savings on the treatment and that is why they now live in a caravan.

Aniela is given the amazing opportunity to learn and grow through the gentle lessons from the method practitioners. However, Monika decided to go one step beyond and become a NeuroHorizons practitioner herself – to not only support her own daughter but also to support other children with similar challenges.

How can you help to little girl Aniela?

Therefore, Aniela’s parents would like to kindly ask for your support to pay for girl’s therapy and Monika’s training to continue these miracles with her daughter and other children.

If the collection succeeds in collecting enough money, your support will also go to other families with similar destinies.

Thank you so much, all of you.

Velký dík všem dárcům!

10. 10. 2022

Chceme z celého srdce poděkovat všem hodným lidem, kteří nám přispěli na nákladnou rehabilitaci a výcvik Feldenkraisovi metody pro naši dcerku Anielku. Bez vás by se Anielka nikdy nemohla takto pěkně posouvat ve vývoji dál❤

Náš život začíná být radostnější a je naplněn mnohem větší nadějí🙏

Upřímně ze srdce všem dárcům děkujeme❤


Rodiče Anielky

Patrons 1

M&M reality

Patronem sbírky je M&M reality holding a.s.

276 donations

252 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 years ago

5 000 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 years ago

333 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 years ago

200 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 years ago

“Jste krásní lidé, ať se vám to vrátí. :) ”
252 Kč — Eliška Bob 2 years ago

962 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 years ago

1 000 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 years ago

777 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 years ago

100 € — Anonymous donor 2 years ago

2 112 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 years ago