Collection for our Ukrainian colleagues

Celý svět / Organizer: ZAMĚSTNANCI A SPOLUPRACOVNÍCI VE SPOLEČNOSTECH OKIN GROUP Klimešová ue.niko@avosemilk.eicul

0 %

Collection for our Ukrainian colleagues

Amount raised 41 761 Kč of 0 Kč goal
Left -631 days
0 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 14. August 2022

Help by sharing

Dear colleagues,

After the outbreak of war in Ukraine, we received questions about how you, as OKINers, can help your colleagues either directly in Ukraine or those who left Ukraine and needed help in their new temporary homes. We have promised that for colleagues who have stayed in Ukraine, we will find a way to deliver our help to them.

What does it look like in Ukraine today? A total of 407 employees work at OKIN FACILITY in Ukraine. OKIN FACILITY has a branch in Kharkov, where most of our employees are from, so they are at the epicenter of the war. Today, the situation is such that around 40% of our employees cannot work because 50% of OKIN's clients in Ukraine have temporarily suspended their activities. OKIN FACILITY partially pays wages to all employees, but dozens of them have destroyed homes, live with relatives, acquaintances or strangers. Everyone has been affected by the war differently, but it affects everyone. The conflict continues, but OKIN FACILITY will try to return to normal operation as soon as possible.

In order to help our colleagues in Ukraine return to normal, at least in part, we are announcing a charity fund for the entire OKIN GROUP in cooperation with the znesnáze21 Foundation (Czech non-profit organization).

Subsequently, NPO Znesnáze will divide the total amount by the number of OKIN FACILITY employees and the money will be transferred to the employees' accounts in Ukraine 

21 donations

111 Kč — anonym 2 years ago