Be part of a groundbreaking cultural project! Trillium X is being released

Praha / Organizer: Prague Music Performance, z.s. zc.gnisiardnuf@maet

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Be part of a groundbreaking cultural project! Trillium X is being released

Amount raised 69 184 Kč of 350 000 Kč goal
Left -340 days
20 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 19. February 2024

Help by sharing

The PMP Orchestra is preparing to release an 8-CD set featuring the world premiere of Anthony Braxton's opera Trillium X and a studio version of the Darmstadt recording under the direction of the Swiss conductor Roland Dahinden.

The CD box set will include a Blue-ray of the complete world premiere recording and a documentary entitled Making Trillium X by director Marek Bouda.

Join other contemporary music enthusiasts who won’t miss this exceptional cultural achievement and support the release of this unique set, which thanks to you will see the light of day in the spring of 2024.

The 350,000 CZK / EUR 15,000 raised will cover the cost of the CD box, the graphics, the booklet, the masters and the production of the eight CDs and one Blue-ray disc.

Anyone who donates 10,000 CZK / EUR / USD 500 or more will receive a CD Box by post as a thank you.

Make your join those who are dedicated to bringing a recording of this extraordinary work to the world.

Anthony Braxton's multimedia opera project Trillium has been in the making since the 1990s. Braxton, a legend of American experimental music and a unique improviser, explores themes of metaphysics, mysticism, and human consciousness. The world premiere of the five-hour opera Trillium X was performed on 1 August 2023 at the Prague Music Performance International Festival and was met with extraordinary interest from the public and the world media. Music critic and columnist Boris Klepal called the premiere „the cultural event of 2023“ and a New York Times review said: "On the whole, the performance came off as a significant milestone in Braxton’s opera career, thanks to some revelatory work by a cast of 12, the Prague Music Performance Orchestra and the conductor Roland Dahinden, a longtime Braxton collaborator …. But this performance in Prague demonstrated just how much American opera companies, and audiences, are missing in neglecting this project… Dahinden’s orchestra responded to the score’s tumultuous moments with precise intonation and enviable balance…". The PMP Orchestra together with Roland Dahinden were also invited to the famous Summer Courses in Darmsatdt in August, for a concert performance of Braxton's guided improvisation Language Music and a recording of Trillium X.

The production of the world premiere and the financing of the recording were very challenging and involved several institutions – Prague Music Performance, DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, and the International Institute in Darmstadt. However, the release of the CD set requires further funding. For the first time in our twelve-year history, we are approaching our supporters and fans of contemporary music with a call for financial support for this project, as we consider the publication of Trillium X to be a major contribution to the scene of contemporary art and contemporary music in a global context.

Who is behind the project

The PMP label documents the activities of Prague Music Performance and the PMP Orchestra. Prague Music Performance was founded by Czech pianist Jan Bartoš in 2011. The project organically combines a festival with an educational institution. PMP presents concerts across musical genres, master classes, lectures, and residencies. PMP also endeavors to include other fields of art, such as the fine arts, film, or literary art. During the twelve years of PMP's existence, many notable artists have performed at its events, including Alfred Brendel, Anthony Braxton, Roscoe Mitchell, John Zorn, Kronos Quartet, Brad Mehldau, Esperanza Spalding, Uri Caine, Thurston Moore, Quatuor Diotima, Miroslav Srnka, Mahan Esfahani, Gareth Davis, Robin Rimbaud aka Scanner, Marc Ribot, and many others.

The idea of the ensemble is based on an experimental musical approach and unlimited musical creativity. PMP Orchestra focuses on different forms of controlled improvisation, and combines classical notation with graphic scores, notated, aleatoric as well as completely improvised passages. Under the artistic direction of Roland Dahinden, the musicians work closely with composers and internationally renowned musicians such as Anthony Braxton, Roscoe Mitchell, Jon Irabagon, and others. The international ensemble consists of leading representatives of the experimental and improvisational music scene.

Find out more about us at

Our facebook

and new videos:!AmlDFiqoxsv_gdN7lChf__M2CbhUqw

Trillium X -


13. 03. 2024


Chtěli bychom vyjádřit upřímné poděkování za váš příspěvek k naší crowdfundingové kampani pro připravovaný komplet se světovou premiérou opery Anthonyho Braxtona Trillium X. Váš příspěvek pomůže pokrýt část nákladů spojených s grafikou a výrobou osmi CD a jednoho Blu-ray disku. Vaše podpora pro nás nesmírně znamená a jsme opravdu vděční za vaši víru v tento kulturní projekt. 

Zatímco procházíme posledními fázemi kampaně, chtěli jsme vám poskytnout aktuální informace. I když nás vaše štědrost přiblížila k našemu cíli, bohužel se nám nepodařilo zajistit celou finanční částku potřebnou k pokrytí všech aspektů tohoto ambiciózního projektu. Ocitli jsme se v pozici, kdy potřebujeme další zdroje, abychom plně realizovali vizi uvedení Trillium X na svět. Ve světle toho aktivně zkoumáme alternativní cesty a hledáme další podporu. Jsme odhodláni zajistit úspěch tohoto projektu a oslovujeme další potenciální zdroje.   

Vaše podpora byla klíčovou součástí této cesty a my vás chceme ujistit, že je vynaloženo veškeré úsilí k zajištění nezbytných finančních prostředků. Budeme vás průběžně informovat o našem pokroku. 

Ještě jednou vám děkujeme za vaši podporu a víru v důležitost současného umění a hudby.    

Se srdečnými pozdravy,   

Jan Bartoš

Zakladatel a ředitel Prague Music Performance 

Patrons 1


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13 donations

994 Kč — Znesnáze 1 year ago

20 000 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 year ago

5 500 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 year ago

2 112 Kč — Jan Dobiáš 1 year ago

2 112 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 year ago

777 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 year ago

1 000 Kč — Pravoslav Tomek 1 year ago

“Byl to krásný večer a těším se na jeho zvěčnění.”
10 000 Kč — Ladislav Šenkyřík 1 year ago

15 000 Kč — Marc Rubenstein 1 year ago

2 112 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 year ago