They are fighting for their lives: Give Sohair and her family hope!

celá ČR / Organizer: Nadační fond pomoci zc.icomopfn@ofni

0 %

They are fighting for their lives: Give Sohair and her family hope!

Amount raised 32 181 Kč of 100 000 Kč goal
Left -187 days
32 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 22. July 2024

Help by sharing

Infomation for non-EU donors:

Account number: 4004040040

Bank code: 5500

IBAN CZ2155000000004004040040




I am turning to you with an urgent plea for help to my dear colleague and friend Sohair and her family who are facing a life-threatening situation in Gaza. I hereby ask you for much-needed direct support of the family.

If the incredible sum of 3.5 million Czech crowns were collected, we can evacuate the entire 13-member family to safety, which of course would be the best for them in the current situation.

Sohair and I first met as colleagues in 2003 in Gaza while working on the same project. Over the following years, we became friends not only with Sohair, but with her entire family. When we last met in August 2023, we talked about how they settled in Gaza.

The house where Sohair's parents lived was bombed, as were the houses of her brothers and their families.

They lost everything: clothes, food supplies, medicine needed for their sick mother, furniture, souvenirs... Everything is gone.

A family of 13, including young children and 80-year-old parents, now survives in the one room that remains from the house where Sohair and her husband lived.

Food, if available, is expensive. Water is scarce, medicines are unavailable.

Getting food and water can cost lives.

Despite the situation, this family still believes in a better tomorrow, when there will be no bombings, when they will not fear for theirs and their children's lives, and when they will be able to resume their normal lives in Gaza. For now, however, they are looking for help.

Unfortunately, because of the war, they lost all the finances and property they had.

Your generosity and compassion can provide them with a lifeline during this difficult time. Every gift, even the smallest, will mean a lot to them, and they will be very grateful for it. Thank you.


29. 07. 2024

Jménem mé drahé kolegyně a přítelkyně Sohair a její rodiny, jejíž členové v Gaze čelí ohrožení života vám chci poděkovat za vaši štědrost a podporu, která jim během příštích měsíců pomůže obstarat vodu, potraviny, a další nezbytnosti jako léky pro nemocnou matku.

Se Sohair jsme se poprvé setkaly jako kolegyně v roce 2003 v Gaze při práci na stejném projektu. Během následujících let jsme se nejen se Sohair, ale s celou její rodinou spřátelili. Když jsme se v srpnu 2023 setkali naposledy, hovořili jsme o tom, jak se v Gaze zabydleli.

Dům, kde žili Sohaiřiny rodiče, byl vybombardován, stejně jako domy jejích bratrů a jejich rodin. Přišli o všechno – o oblečení, zásoby potravin, léky potřebné pro nemocnou matku, nábytek, památky. Všechno je pryč. 13členná rodina včetně malých dětí a 80letých rodičů nyní přežívá v troskách jedné místnosti, která zbyla z domu, kde Sohair a její manžel žili. Potraviny, pokud jsou k dispozici, jsou drahé. Vody je málo, léky jsou nedostupné. Obstarání jídla a vody může stát život. Evakuace celé rodiny do bezpečí, což by alespoň pro děti s matkami bylo ve stávající situaci nejlepší, by stála nedosažitelnou částku 3,5 milionů korun.

Navzdory situaci, tato rodina stále věří v lepší zítřky, kdy nebude docházet k bombardování, kdy se nebudou bát o život svůj a svých dětí, kdy budou moci obnovit svůj běžný život v Gaze.

Vaše štědrost a soucit jim v tomto strastiplném období poskytly možnost obstarávat alespoň základní životní potřeby, ale také pocit, že jejich životy nejsou lhostejné.  


On behalf of my dear colleague and friend Sohair and her family who are facing a threat to their lives in Gaza, I want to thank you for your generosity and support which will help them in the coming months to get water, food, and other necessities such as medicine for their sick mother.

Sohair and I met as colleagues in 2003 in Gaza while working on the same project. Over the following years, we became friends not only with Sohair, but with her entire family. When we last met in August 2023, we talked about how they settled in Gaza.

The house where Sohair's parents lived was bombed, as were the houses of her brothers and their families. They lost everything - clothes, food supplies, medicine needed for their sick mother, furniture, souvenirs... Everything is gone. A family of 13, including young children and 80-year-old parents, is now surviving in the ruins of the one room left of the house where Sohair and her husband lived. Food, if available, is expensive. Water is scarce, medicines unavailable. Getting food and water can cost lives. Evacuating the entire family to safety, which would be the best for at least the small children and their mothers, would cost an unattainable amount of 3.5 million Czech crowns.

Despite the situation, this family still believes in a better tomorrow, when there will be no bombings, when they will not fear for their and their children's lives, when they will be able to resume their normal life in Gaza.

Your generosity and compassion in this painful period gave Sohair and her family the opportunity to provide at least the basic needs of life, but also the feeling that their lives matter.

15 donations

21 € — Anonymous donor 6 months ago

962 Kč — Anonymous donor 6 months ago

4 000 Kč — Anonymous donor 6 months ago

252 Kč — Anonymous donor 7 months ago

252 Kč — Jiří Trčka 7 months ago

1 000 Kč — Machová Karla 7 months ago

“May God be with you.”
50 € — Mouna Hashem 7 months ago

100 € — Anonymous donor 8 months ago

300 € — Anonymous donor 8 months ago

100 € — Anonymous donor 8 months ago