Startovací byty pro děti z dětských domovů
Startovací byty pro děti z dětských domovů
Amount raised 125 341 Kč of 160 000 Kč goal
Left -41 days
78 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 26. December 2024
We provide housing for young people from children's homes while studying high school or university, immediately after leaving the children's home or if they find themselves in a difficult life situation.
At LET´S GIVE THE CHILDREN A CHANCE we provide comprehensive help to specific children, especially in the last years of their stay in a children's home. Our goal is to help young people who have left children's homes to successfully integrate into society and reduce the risk of their social exclusion. Thanks to two so-called starting apartments we can offer partially subsidized housing to disadvantaged young people. Both apartments are located near our organisation´s office, so that we have the opportunity to help these young people and at the same time check whether they properly fulfill all the obligations associated with the rent.
The apartments are furnished to the last detail, thanks to the support of our corporate partners, and most "tenants" call it their HOME, which makes us very happy.
However, the costs of running these two apartments are not small and we cover them from our operating account. Therefore we will be grateful for any contribution that will helps us cover the costs of running both apartments, in which we currently provide housing for 8 students/young people at the beginning of their independent of lives.
"For me, the apartment is a home, a safe space, security. It allowed me to finish university in peace and recover as an independent functioning unit for life.
I am grateful to our wonderful girls from the LET´S GIVE CHILDREN A CHANCE for this huge support, and at the same time thank you - all the sponsors who help us make our dreams come true."
"I moved to Prague for work, and as far as housing is concerned - it was not exactly easy. Fortunately, I am part of LET´S GIVE CHILDREN A CHANCE foundation, thanks to which I was given the opportunity to have a reliable and peaceful start after leaving the children´s home. Living in the apartment is a great opportunity for me to focus on what is important - work and personal development. We have a furnished apartment and the girls from LET´S GIVE CHILDREN A CHANCE support us as much as possible. I am truly grateful for everything they have done and I wish more children had this opportunity."
Patrons 1
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48 donations
1 000 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 month ago
5 000 Kč — Jakub Š. 1 month ago
500 Kč — Matej Jambrich 1 month ago
“Přeji vám hezké Vánoce 🎄🎁”
2 000 Kč — Jitka 1 month ago
5 000 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 month ago
1 221 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 month ago
2 112 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 month ago
10 000 Kč — Com-PASS Advisory s.r.o. 2 months ago
500 Kč — Martina 2 months ago
373 Kč — Anonymous donor 2 months ago