Give caregivers a rest – even a small amount is priceless
Give caregivers a rest – even a small amount is priceless
Amount raised 26 419 Kč of 500 000 Kč goal
Left 98 days
5 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 01. May 2025
I would like to start this fundraiser to support the Zet-My association and their respite service "ZET".
This association improves the quality of life of families caring for children and adults with combined, mental disabilities by providing them with a respite service that will help them replace parents in caring for their child.
Myself I am a caregiver and the quality of life of me and our entire family has improved significantly since we have been using their services. I have a handicapped ten-year-old daughter Julinka. Julinka has Angelman's syndrome (severe mental retardation, sleep disorder, epilepsy, absence of speech, motor developmental delay, balance disorder) and needs all-day support. This care is long-term and continuous.
Few people can imagine how huge a burden it is, we almost never have the opportunity to rest, we face high level of stress, we have no time for other family members, we usually cannot work and we find ourselves in social isolation with our family.
From day to day, we have to find endless patience, understanding and strength. Julinka doesn't give us space to switch off, unfortunately due to a sleep disorder even at night.
Zet-My relieves us carers by representation in care: outpatient, outreach and residential service, for many families like mine, it is the only way to relieve the burden and we have time for things that seem common to others, time for siblings and partner, time to go to the doctor, to shop or just to relax, read a book or go out for sports, culture.
How will the fundraiser help?
The money from this collection will help improve the conditions of operation of the association and the provision of services for Julinka and other clients.
Financial support will help to ensure the provision of the service for a larger number of applicants, it is important to note that some families cannot even afford the service.
The association needs to provide a safe space and equipment for our children. Currently, they need to repair the kitchen and build outdoor facilities for clients, a specialized playground, and a contribution to the purchase of a car to transport clients.
I would very much like there to be more such services in our region and to make them available in terms of capacity and finances to all of us carers. We tried several services before we managed to find the right one for our child, a client with special needs. Most of the time, the rejection came due to the difficulty of care. Our surroundings, friends and the public are surprised that these services are not easily and commonly available as, for example, leisure activities for healthy children.
The reality is much harsher. There are no services and their capacities are severely inadequate. Please help to do a good thing and give us carers a rest and make our lives easier. What is free of charge for you is of incalculable value to us as informal caregivers. Thank you very much!
Patrons 1
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32 donations
252 Kč — Anonymous donor 8 months ago
100 Kč — Anonymous donor 8 months ago
100 Kč — Anonymous donor 8 months ago
252 Kč — Anonymous donor 8 months ago
“Snad se to podaří ”
777 Kč — Anonymous donor 8 months ago
“Znám organizaci a užasné lidi, kteří zde pracuji nebo spíš dělají dobro. Jsou neuvěřitelní. ”
1 500 Kč — Velim 8 months ago
150 Kč — Anonymous donor 8 months ago
100 Kč — Anonymous donor 8 months ago
373 Kč — Anonymous donor 8 months ago
1 221 Kč — JK 8 months ago