Car for the boys from Kraken

celá ČR / Organizer: Vendula Fořtová moc.liamg@trofydnev

0 %

Car for the boys from Kraken

Amount raised 230 754 Kč of 210 000 Kč goal
Left -29 days
110 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 07. January 2025

Help by sharing

The war in Ukraine is still going on. My name is Vendula and I have been helping directly in the affected areas for a long time. I have experienced the attacks and bombings first-hand.

You can read about my work here.

Like anyone who has spent at least a few days in war-torn Ukraine, I have immense respect for the Ukrainian defenders who tirelessly defend not only their country, but also the peace of the whole of Europe. I have successfully organized a crowdfunding campaign for a car for Ruslan from the Intelligence Service, and another one for drones for Maksym from the 141st Brigade.

Now the guys from the infantry from Kharkov called Kraken have contacted me with a request for help in finding a car. Cars are consumables for them and they need at least one spare.

With the money raised we plan to buy a pickup, ideally a Mitsubishi L200 or Toyota Hilux.

The collected amount should be enough to cover the expenses of transporting the car to Ukraine. If some money is left over or more is collected, the funds will be used for any expenses related to repairs of the cars the guys own or for materials they need to do their work (such as tourniquets).

I attach a translated message from the boys themselves:

Glory to Ukraine, boys and girls, we are the assault company of the Kharkiv Special Forces, we need your help and support in raising funds for the pickup truck we need to carry out logistics and evacuation activities on the front line.

Unfortunately, our vehicles have been damaged by the enemy and are currently being repaired.

We will therefore be very grateful to anyone who can contribute to this fundraising campaign and help close it as soon as possible.

Together for victory

The war continues.


23. 01. 2025

Milí dárci,

já i kluci z Krakenu bychom vám chtěli vyjádřit obrovskou vděčnost za zapojení se do sbírky. Jedině díky vám už teď kluci jezdí v novém autě. A protože jste byli velmi štědří, povedlo se nám zafinancovat i naftu na převoz, opravy a veškeré drobnosti, které auto potřebovalo. Jste skvělí! Společně k vítězství! Слава Україні! Героям слава!

Odkaz na děkovné video.



08. 01. 2025

Děkuji všem, kteří příspěli klukům na auto. Jste skvělí. Měla jsem trochu obavy z toho, že vybírám větší částku, ale díky vám jsme to zvládli! Já i kluci máme obrovskou radost. Vy jste svou práci dodělali, teď je řada na mně, abych všechno zdárně dotáhla do konce :) Díky. Krásný den a слава Україні!

117 donations

“Peníze za aukci, ať dobře poslouží!”
20 000 Kč — Krysa 1 month ago

“Sláva Ukrajině! ”
21 € — Petr Slavik 1 month ago

7 000 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 month ago

“Hrdinům sláva ”
500 Kč — Michal Aschenbrenner 1 month ago

12 € — Anonymous donor 1 month ago

10 000 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 month ago

1 221 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 month ago

1 000 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 month ago

2 000 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 month ago

100 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 month ago