Let's help Rozalia, Martin and Mireček after the death of their mother

Let's help Rozalia, Martin and Mireček after the death of their mother
Amount raised 19 889 Kč of 33 000 Kč goal
Left 54 days
60 % z původního cíle
The campaign has ended 31. March 2025
In mid-October 2024, a great tragedy hit the Kmeťo's family.
Their mother suddenly died. She was 36 years old.
It was a great shock and tragedy for everyone. Mum was an indispensable pillar of the family. Apart from Rozalia and Martin, she took care of their younger brother Mireček, who was two years old, of the house and the running of the household. Daddy went to work to earne money. This terrible event is of course an unimaginable psychological trauma for all family members. At the same time, it is also a huge blow to their functioning and the financing of their family expenses.
How will the fundraiser help?
Dad is now on parental leave with his youngest son, who is not yet old enough to join a nursery. The family has reached a point where they need outside support and help until they can get everything settled and sort out their widow's and orphan's pensions.
Rozália and Martin have been members of the Roma choir Čhavorenge for several years, so together with the choirmaster and singer Mrs. Ida Kelarova we decided to help through a fundraising campaign.
Accompanying links
10. 01. 2025💛 Rozka poslala poděkování vám všem, kdo přispíváte. I já se připojuji. Děkuji!
Ivana Švarcová
„Zdravime Vás teta Ida, teta Ivana, chceli by sme sa Vám zo srdca poďakovať a všetkým luďom ktorý sa na tom všetkom podielali. Ocitli sme sa v tažkej situácii, odišiel nám náš najbližší človek, naša mamina. Pomáhate nám vyriesit aj nase finančné problémy a dali ste nám s všetkou láskou vašu podporu. Sme naozaj radi a velmi si vážime že ešte stále existuju na svete dobrý ludia a že človek človeku pomôže. Bolest ktorá prišla je ťažká no s vašou pomocou zvladame aspon tie vedlajsie problemy. Verime že sa Vám všetka ta srdečnosť a dobrotivosť vráti. Rodina Kmeťova“
Patrons 2
Partnerem sbírky je e-shop Baba Jagua a jeho zákazníci.
29 donations
777 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 month ago
252 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 month ago
“Upřímnou soustrast, je nám to hodně moc líto.”
1 000 Kč — Pepa s Vanesou 1 month ago
10 € — Anonymous donor 1 month ago
“Držím palce ❤️”
252 Kč — Peter 1 month ago
37 € — Anonymous donor 1 month ago
500 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 month ago
“Držím pěsti, ať vše zvládnete ❤️ ”
500 Kč — Kristýna Mercer 1 month ago
252 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 month ago
“Držím pěsti, ať vše zvládnete. Vím z vlastní zkušenosti, jak moc je to těžké.”
1 221 Kč — Anonymous donor 1 month ago